Friday, March 27, 2009


I have always been quite partial to booze. From the age of 16, some twenty plus years ago, I would enjoy it. A Friday night would consist of a few pints, a small bottle for the way home... for about a fiver. Don't think I was irresponsible, though.

So there does seems to be a problem with some young people now. Fair enough. Why is the media's response to talk about putting duty on all booze up. What is it that cause the problems among the teenagers? Super-strength cider, cheap lager, alcohops? Or £5 bottles of wine, £2 bottles of bitter?

Don't put duty on booze up. Some of it is expensive enough. And we can always stock up abroad. What I do think is wrong is selling booze as a loss leader. You would not sell fags as a loss leader. And why is cider's duty so much less than beer? Work out what these young people drink, and tackle that.

Funnily enough, all three parties more or less agree. The media don't have a clue.


Nick Brown said...

It sounds as though you would be in favour of minimum pricing for alcohol - which would raise the price of white ciders and the cheapest wines, beers and spirits whilst leaving the majority of drinks untouched. That's a policy that the SNP has tried to introduce but without much enthusiasm from other parties.

SBS said...


Jochen Tree said...

Ahh the old days of the Yew Tree with a few beers and a bottle of nun's delight for the walk home, paying individually and sitting outside whatever the weather! But we never caused any trouble, were always polite and that continued when we graduated to town drinking in the Druids Head in Earl Street. The thing is the majority of kids or certainly those I teach are aware of the dangers and risks of binge drinking and won't condone it at all but outside of school they go nuts and fruits and bonkers!
